
Showing posts from February, 2024

The plan

Welcome to My Health Restoration Journey: A 3-Month Transformation Challenge! Hello there! I'm thrilled to have you join me on my journey to restore my health, lose weight, and achieve normoglycemia. In the next three months, I'm determined to bring my HbA1c value from 5.6 to below 5.5 and shed 16 pounds along the way. Buckle up, because we're in for an exciting and interactive ride! 1. Let's Dive into the Food Journey: Keto with a Twist Navigating the realm of diets can be overwhelming, but for me, Keto has shown promise. However, life post-pregnancy and the challenges of emotional eating have made it a bit tricky. So, I'm opting for a realistic approach – reducing carb intake to below 100g per day while focusing on protein and veggies. Week 1 Meal Plan: Breakfast: Eggs with sausage, yogurt, and a comforting cup of tea. Snacks: Indulging in a good fat bar whenever cravings strike. Lunch: Savoring Nigerian soup with low-carb coconut swallow. Snack: A good fat prote