The plan

Welcome to My Health Restoration Journey: A 3-Month Transformation Challenge! Hello there! I'm thrilled to have you join me on my journey to restore my health, lose weight, and achieve normoglycemia. In the next three months, I'm determined to bring my HbA1c value from 5.6 to below 5.5 and shed 16 pounds along the way. Buckle up, because we're in for an exciting and interactive ride! 1. Let's Dive into the Food Journey: Keto with a Twist Navigating the realm of diets can be overwhelming, but for me, Keto has shown promise. However, life post-pregnancy and the challenges of emotional eating have made it a bit tricky. So, I'm opting for a realistic approach – reducing carb intake to below 100g per day while focusing on protein and veggies. Week 1 Meal Plan: Breakfast: Eggs with sausage, yogurt, and a comforting cup of tea. Snacks: Indulging in a good fat bar whenever cravings strike. Lunch: Savoring Nigerian soup with low-carb coconut swallow. Snack: A good fat protein bar or a handful of blueberries, paired with a delightful keto hot chocolate. Dinner: A protein-packed feast – beef, goat meat, fish, shrimp – accompanied by kale (or other veggies) and a modest cup of white rice. Feel free to share your thoughts on these meal ideas or suggest your own – let's make this journey delicious and enjoyable together! 2. Energizing the Body: Exercise Routine Being a busy mom, I totally get the struggle to find time for exercise. So, I'm committing to two weekly sessions – 30 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of resistance training. Join me in this endeavor! Share your favorite workouts or your own exercise routine – let's keep each other motivated. 3. Recharge with Quality Sleep: Ensuring a good night's sleep is paramount. My plan is to hit the hay at midnight and rise at 7 am, aiming for a solid 6-8 hours every night. Share your sleep tips or bedtime routines – let's create a restful environment together. 4. Conquering Emotional Eating: Strategies for Success Ah, emotional eating – a challenge many of us face. To tackle it head-on, I've set a boundary: no eating between 3 pm and 7 pm, the hours when stress tends to peak. Instead, I'll focus on deep breaths when overwhelmed, staying hydrated with Keto hot chocolate or water. Share your coping mechanisms or your go-to stress-relief activities – let's build a toolkit for emotional well-being. Interactive Challenge for You: Throughout this journey, I encourage you to share your experiences, tips, and questions. Let's create a supportive community, exchange ideas, and celebrate victories – big or small. Use #HealthRestorationChallenge on social media, and let's connect! Are you ready for this transformative adventure? Together, we've got this!
